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Middle Grade Real-World Fantasy

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This Coronavirus has taken us all by surprise. I told my class of P4/5 that they would still get a class novel when they were being taught remotely. Because of copyright issues, I didn't want to video myself reading someone else's novel. So...the obvious answer...write my own!

Because this book is being written as I go along, it is not perfectly edited. In fact, it is little more than a first draft, but there is a good story there!

During the Easter holidays, there will be an episode on Monday and Thursday, before we get back to daily episodes during term time.

The chapters are available here.


When I had to go and live with my Mum during the coronavirus outbreak, I was upset and angry. I hardly knew her, and I certainly didn't know what she did as a living. I knew she was a zoologist, but it turned out there was a lot more to her job than that. Together, we began to look for the most secretive of Scottish animals. As I got to grips with my new life, I began to realise that mum wasn't the only one looking for these creatures...

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